Generally About Stoixima


OPAP S.A. introduced fixed odds betting games in Greece in 2000 with great success.

Betting games were already greatly enjoyed by punters in many countries, starting with the United Kingdom at the turn of the previous century, and gradually expanded to other countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Canada etc.

By voting Law 2433/96, the Greek Parliament created the required legal framework and conditions for the organization of "Betting Games" with fixed and variable odds in Greece. The responsibility for their conduct was awarded solely to OPAP S.A. that already operates PROPO, LOTTO, PROPOGOAL, JOCKER, SUPER3, EXTRA5 and KINO.

With the operation of "Betting Games", OPAP S.A.'s revenues and earnings increased drastically.

OPAP S.A.'s licensing of "Betting Games" based on the proper legal framework was the State's answer to:

·         The large currency outflow to the seats of foreign companies conducting illegal betting in Greece

·         Tax evasion,illegal activities and illicit enrichment due to uncollected taxes on the winnings paid by these companies to the players.

·         The reduction of State revenues from OPAP S.A. operated games

Furthermore, the same law made the conduct, operation, promotion and advertisement of illegal betting a criminal offence, incurring a prison sentence and pecuniary fine. The responsibility for the prosecution of persons involved in illegal betting and tax evasion rests with the prosecuting authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Finance.

According to its statute and the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, OPAP S.A. operates in favor of the public interest and distributes part of its proceeds to support mainly sports and cultural activities and the community.


Bets, in various forms, were placed already from antiquity. Even then, man's effort to "play" with the odds became a form of entertainment and was turned into a game.

Today, betting games constitute a large part of the games of chance industry globally and are very popular in Europe, where some countries have been operating large scale betting games with great success already since the last century (UK, France).

Betting games in Greece were launched under the umbrella brand name of "PAME STOIHIMA". According to the provisions of law in force, these may include team and individual sport events (such as Football, Basketball, Tennis, Car races etc.) or non-athletic events whose nature however allows the wager of bets.

"PAME STOIHIMA" is an exciting game and presents the following unique characteristics:

·         Predefined winnings (you know the winnings beforehand since they do not depend on the pool fund of the game or the number of winners)

·         Variety of choices allowing players to create their "own" game

·         In their online versions they allow for everyday participation, another very important characteristic.


OPAP S.A. has:

·         A widespread distribution network in Greece, which includes 3.500 points of sale (agencies)

·         The necessary processing infrastructure

·         A well organized logistics network catering to the needs of its agencies

·         A longstanding experience, credibility and prestige in the field of lucky games operation

·         Is in a position that allows the protection of both the players and the public interest

·         Does not operate bets that could result in social upheaval or insult the moral and public order

The general and specific framework regulating the conduct of the games, the basic operation rules and definition of main notions are described in the Rules and Regulations for the Organization, Operation and Conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games by OPAP S.A., which was published in Gov. Gazette B' 1590/2008.


OPAP S.A. conducts "Betting Games" competitions in specific time periods with a predefined time length. The Program is published in print and sent to all points of sale (agencies) as well as uploaded to teletext pages and relevant Internet websites. The Program includes all the necessary information on the events (odds, starting date and time, the required rules for every betting event etc.).

To inform players, state-of-the-art information technology and telecommunication tools are also used, such as TELETEXT, INTERNET and the online connection of agencies with OPAP S.A.


OPAP S.A., given its credibility and in combination with its longstanding experience, protects players from being deceived by illegal gambling organizers and bookmakers (non payment of winnings etc.).

Upon prize claiming, OPAP S.A. withholds the corresponding tax according to the provisions of law in force and attributes it to the Greek State.

The unified play slip is adapted to the needs of the Greek market and requirements of the players and offers them great flexibility.


"PAME STOIHIMA" offers you three great possibilities…

You know how much you will win

Odds are fixed, so at the moment you submit your predictions and place your bet you know exactly how much money you'll win if your predictions are correct. You don't have to share your earnings with other players.

You choose the events

"PAME STOIHIMA" allows you to choose the events you want to bet on, out of all the events offered on the Program, and create your own game.

You can play everyday

Every day you can wager on the ongoing betting games. This is yet another advantage of "Pame STOIHIMA". As you very well know, things change constantly and it's very important to choose for yourself the moment you will submit your play slip.

"Pame STOIHIMA" gives you the chance to win by predicting the results in sporting or non-sporting events whose nature allows betting.

"Pame STOIHIMA" is easy, fun and offers substantial winnings. You have the opportunity to fully exploit your knowledge and choose for yourself how to increase your chances to be successful and win prizes.

Every day there is a different competition including sporting events on which you can place bets!!!

Visit the greatest championships and international events by playing "Pame STOIHIMA" in OPAP S.A. agencies.

"Pame STOIHIMA" with football matches

From Friday to Monday the Program includes football matches from the National Championships of England, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Greece, France, Argentina, Brazil and other countries. From Tuesday to Thursday the Program includes matches from the most important European Championships and Cups, as well as other important matches taking place mid-week.

"Pame STOIHIMA" with basketball matches

Every week, the biggest basketball championships "play" in the Program of "Pame STOIHIMA". National competitions from Greece, Spain, Italy, France Germany, the big European club competitions and the magic world of NBA are included.

"Pame STOIHIMA" with even more sports events!

·         The very popular world car racing championships (Formula) and motorcycle racing are included so as to allow motorized sports fans to test their mettle!!!

·         The big duels in men and women's tennis during big tournaments!

·          Interesting events in individual or team Track and Field sports.

"Pame STOIHIMA" with non-sporting events!

·         Bets can also be placed on non-sporting events, such as the European Song Contest, the Oscars etc., at the time they are held.

In"Pame STOIHIMA" you can also predict:

·         The seasonal winner in the biggest national football and basketball championships.

·         Group winners as well as the final champion of the European football and basketball championship and cup

·         The winners in every qualifying round in European tournaments as well as

·         The winner of the European and World Football Cup etc.




Betting Game

A game on sporting or non-sporting events, which is available on certain periods or for a specific time period.


Sporting or non-sporting events open for wagers in betting game competitions


The numerical coefficient set by OPAP S.A. for each individual event marker or result.

Play slip or Entry

Special printed play slip or entry with electronic mode


Entry validated either in print or electronically processed


Every game that includes a number of events and lasts for a specific time period.


The program for each competition, which includes betting events, initial odds and other useful information for players.


Possible result of the event, according to the terms of each betting event.


An event that must be included in all required columns of a betting system.


Selection of required events and a marker for each event.


Codified columns generation, in which the selected events form columns that include a specific number of required matches/events


General Terms

General Participation Terms

Participation in Fixed Odds Betting Games is free for all persons over 18 years old, under the condition of absolute and unreserved acceptance of the regulatory framework in force, the Regulations for the Organization, Operation and Conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games by OPAP S.A as well as the special terms and conditions as those are defined every time by OPAP S.A.

·         The time of conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games offered in the Program starts with the activation of the processing of bets offered in the Program by the Central Processing Information System of OPAP S.A. and ends at the start of the last in time event included in the Program.

·         Bets are accepted within the timeframe of the Program and up until the starting date and time, as it is recorded on the Central Processing Information System of OPAP S.A., of the first in time event out of all the events selected by the player.

  Participation in Fixed Odds Betting Games takes place in OPAP S.A. authorized points of sale (network), which are connected to the Central Processing Information System of OPAP S.A. to allow real time transactions (online connection). Participation in the games takes place with the sole responsibility of players with the use of either special play slips that are specifically provided for this purpose by OPAP S.A., or electronically with a direct entry and processing of their predictions in the special terminals and the issuance of a valid receipt in both cases.

·         OPAP S.A. retains the right at any time to accept or refuse any bet, without any obligation to explain its decision.

·         Upon prize claim, OPAP S.A. directly withholds the corresponding taxes, according to the relative provisions of law in force.

·         The maximum wager per game or bet combination or combinations is an amount equal to 20.000 columns.

·         The cancellation of a bet requires the player to produce a valid ticket and if all cancellation requirements, as they are defined by OPAP S.A. are met, then it can be processed within five (5) minutes since the validation of the ticket or in less than five (5) minutes if the remaining time until the tart of the first selected event by the player starts in less than five (5) minutes. Cancellation is always performed using the same method as the one used for the validation of the ticket and under the condition that none of the events selected by the player has started. During cancellation all the columns included in the ticket are cancelled and the wager is returned to the player.

·         The maximum payable winning per participation, regarding either one or multiple combinations is set at the amount of one million euros (€1.000.000) unless otherwise specified and mentioned in the Program, in relation to specific betting types or groups of events. If it is proved that a player or groups of players placed bets in the same or different OPAP S.A. agencies aiming at bypassing the bet acceptance special procedure as it is defined in the Regulations for the Organization, Operation and Conduct of Fixed Odds Betting Games, then OPAP S.A has the right in that case to set as a total sum of winnings the aforementioned amount for all winning tickets.

Correct predictions on all events included in the Program and conducted according to the provisions and official rules and regulations governing it, are verified by the official results published under the care of OPAP S.A. at its points of sale.

·         Prizes are payable to the holder of a winning ticket. In case of loss of a winning ticket the player is not entitled to prize money or other form of compensation.

·         Prizes are paid either by authorized OPAP S.A. points of sale, or by authorized Banks following procedures set by OPAP S.A.

·         Earnings corresponding to winning columns are payable only after all the events selected by the player are completed, and the relative entry has been verified by the Central Processing Information System of OPAP S.A.

·         For the payment of prizes or the return of the amount paid for the columns the presentation of a valid ticket is required.

·         OPAP S.A. has the right to block the payment of a prize in special occasions if it appears that the person claiming the prize is not indeed the rightful owner of the ticket. Cases of loss or theft of ticket are mentioned indicatively but not exhaustively.

·         Tickets who are destroyed or altered or in any other case cannot be validated and retrieved from the Central Processing System are not valid and are not entitled to any prizes or any other claim for compensation by OPAP S.A.

·         After a period of three (3) months from the draw of the winning numbers any prize claim is void.

·         Within a period of six (6) days from the processing of the results of all the events on the Program, any interested party may submit an objection to OPAP S.A.

·         If OPAP S.A. considers that there are grounds to believe that any person or persons acted in order to influence the result of an event, violating the rules and regulations governing such events, or if there are indications that lead to disputing the credibility of the results of an event, then OPAP S.A. has the right to revoke the payment of prizes.

·         In any case, the data of the entries processed and saved by the Central Processing Information System constitute the only proof for the recognition of a win and in case of a dispute they prevail over other data. The ticket can also serve as a proof of the amount to be paid in case of a win only when it absolutely agrees with the processed and saved data.

·         A receipt for the collection of winnings as defined by OPAP S.A is a receipt printed either by the terminal or a bank receipt or OPAP S.A. upon payment of the winnings.

·         A play slip is used only for the purpose of marking the player's predictions and entering them into the Central Processing Information System and under no circumstances can it be considered a valid ticket.

The above are a summary presentation of the Betting Games Rules and Regulations.

In any case, interested parties are advised to visit the relevant webpage (Legal Framework) for the full text.

Special Terms


The odds published in the Program are the starting odds and can be altered at the discretion of OPAP S.A. The odds based on which successful tickets will be paid are the odds offered at the time the ticket was validated and printed on the receipt.

·         The final result of each event is the result at the end of full time unless otherwise specified in the Program

·         A column including a prediction for an event starting before the final deadline for betting is valid only if the entry was processed and validated before the actual starting time of the event. If the column includes a prediction for this event but was processed after the staring time of the event, then any prediction is valid but the odd offered for it is one (1,00).

- If a match is postponed or interrupted and it is not resumed or completed within 72 hours, then any bet placed from the player is considered valid, but the return offered changes to one (1.00), except for those bets that have already been completed.

- In case of match annulment, change of venue or change of opponent after the Program has been issued, any selection of the player for this specific event is valid but the return changes to one (1.00).

- If a match is interrupted, but it is resumed and completed within 72 hours from the originally scheduled date and time (local time), then all bets are settled based on the final result of the match.

- If a match is interrupted, and is not resumed within 72 hours from the originally scheduled date and time (local time) the following rules apply:

* For "Final result", "Halftime/Fulltime", "Correct Score" and "Halftime Result" bets, all bets placed from the players for this specific event are valid, but the return changes to one (1.00).

*For "Under/Over" bets, if at the moment the match is interrupted the total number of goals scored are "Under", then the return offered for both selections "Under" and "Over" changes to one (1.00), whereas if at the moment the match stops the total number of goals scored are "Over", then the bet is settled and "Over" is verified (winning), whereas "Under" is not verified (loses).

* For the "G/NG" (GOAL/NO GOAL) bets, if at the moment the match stops both teams have scored then the GOAL bet is settled (winning) and the return for NO GOAL bets is not verified (no winner).. In all other cases the return to both selections "G/NG" (GOAL/NO GOAL) changes to one (1.00).

* For the "Total Goals" in a football match, any selection of the player for this specific event is valid but the return offered changes to one (1.00), unless at the moment the match is interrupted there is an established market according to the maximum number of goals to be predicted in this specific bet type.

.         A column that includes a prediction or predictions on which the return offered is one (1) is still valid for the remaining predictions, under the condition that there are at least two or one other predictions that could be played as standalone bets, according to the terms and conditions of the Program.

·         At any case the return offered cannot be less than one (1.00).

·         A column that does not satisfy the previous criteria, is not participating at the competition and its value is reimbursed to the player after the results on all the predictions of the player are settled.

The above are a summary presentation of the Betting Games Rules and Regulations.

In any case, interested parties are advised to visit the relevant webpage (Legal Framework) for the full text.

The "live" video, the score, the time and all other information displayed on the Live Betting page may be delayed and / or inaccurate. OPAP BET and APOLLO machines terminals receive this information from external partners and provide it AS THEY HAVE without OPAP taking responsibility for the validity and / or correct timing of this information or for any loss (direct or indirect) caused to you by any error in the listed score, in the time of the match and so on.

Terms of Use Cash Out


•    Cash Out is available in pre-selected markets, prior to as well as during a game, in single and multiple bets, for a variety of sports.

•    Players are offered the feature of Auto Cash Out. Through Auto Cash Out players can determine in advance a value (predetermined value) at which their bet is cashed out. If the Cash Out value reaches the predetermined value, the process is completed automatically.

•    Partial Cash Out is another offered feature, that allows players to Cash Out a part of their bet and let the rest of their bet until the end of the event(s) or for future Cash Out.

•    A time delay in the acceptance of a Cash Out request will exist and may differ depending on the sport and/or the market. The use of Cash Out in a short period of time after the bet placement is prohibited. If an odd changes or a market is suspended, the Cash Out request may not be successful.

•    If a game is interrupted, but before the interruption a Cash Out has been conducted, the Cash Out amount shall apply and not the return of money on such bet. In case the Cash Out was conducted after the interruption, OPAP S.A. holds the right to withhold or cancel the Cash Out amount.

•    The Cash Out amount offered, at any time, is the total amount that will be returned to the player if the Cash Out request is successful.

•    Any bonus expected from other current offers shall not apply, when the Cash Out has been used. 

•    The combination of Cash Out with any other current offer is prohibited.

•    Full Cash Out, Auto Cash Out & Partial Cash Out apply to bets placed with free bets in whole or bets that combine free bets and players’ stake amount.

•    Any bets settled with the use of Cash Out shall not be counted in the calculation of the wager amount of any offer.

•    OPAP S.A. may not guarantee that Cash Out will be available in any of your betting selections.

•    OPAP S.A. shall not be held liable if Cash Out is not available for technical reasons and the bets shall apply as initially been placed during such a time period.

•    OPAP S.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any bet requested for one of the offered sports, events, markets or betting types included in Cash Out.

•    In case an evident error occurs and/or is ascertained during live betting or following the end of an event, no Cash out can be conducted on the bet. If, due to an error, the Cash Out settlement of the bet is accepted, such settlement shall be cancelled and the bet shall be settled to the corrected price of OPAP S.A. If there are repeated attempts for bet placement and Cash Out settlements thereof on the same markets before the correction/ ascertainment of the evident error, the Cash Out settlement of the bet and the bet itself shall be canceled.

•    OPAP S.A. reserves the right to withhold, restrict or cancel the Cash Out of specific account holders, at its discretion and without any previous notification.

•    The General Terms & Conditions of OPAP S.A. shall apply on all closed bets in any case.


Terms & Conditions Bet Builder


•    Bet Builder is available on selected sports, tournaments and markets prior to kick-off.

•    Bet Builder bets cannot be cashed out.

•    A maximum of eleven (11) selections, from a single match, can be included in a Bet Builder bet.

•    A maximum of thirty (30) combinations of different Bet Builder bets or other selections from different matches can be placed on one single betting slip.

•    If a bet placed under Bet Builder is canceled or for any reason whatsoever settled with an odd of 1.00, then the whole bet is canceled.

•    OPAP S.A. shall not be held responsible in the event of Bet Builder not being available for technical reasons.

•    OPAP S.A. reserves the right to revise the odds of a bet under Bet Builder and/or to cancel it, in case of an evident error in calculating the odds of any betting selection included in a Bet Builder bet.

•    In case a selection in a Bet Builder bet has already been decided as not won, then the entire Bet Builder bet will be settled as lost, regardless of the subsequent outcome of the remaining selections or possible cancellation/postponement of the event.

•    OPAP S.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any bet requested for any betting market or type of bet, included in the Bet Builder feature.

•    OPAP S.A. reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel Bet Builder feature at any time for any event, scheduled game, betting market or customer.

•    Players’ participation to the feature of «Βet Builder» is free under the condition of the full and unreserved acceptance on their behalf of the provisions of the existing regulatory framework, of the Regulation on the Organization, Operation and Conduct of Fixed-Odds Betting Games of OPAP S.A, of OPAP S.A. announcements. As well as of the special terms and conditions set forth each time by OPAP S.A. under said purpose.

Terms of Use

The visitor/user of this site has to conform with the rules and provisions of Greek, European, International and other relative law governing telecommunications, and must refrain from all illegal and abusive use of the content and services provided by this website.


The website does not control the availability, content, personal data protection policies, quality and completeness of the services offered by other websites and web pages to which he provides links or hyperlinks. Therefore, should any problem occur during the visitation and/or use of these pages, the visitor/user must address directly the relative websites or pages that bear all responsibility regarding services offered on their website. The website should not under any circumstance be construed as endorsing or approving the content or services of web sites and web pages it refers to or provides links to.